I am celebrating the graduation of my fourth group coaching cohort, Alchemy!
These women have been stretching, trusting and transforming their lives with me for 9 months. They’ve had monumental shifts (in their inner & outer world) and achieved more than they set their intentions for.
“Last year I didn’t believe you when you said, ‘Everyone around you will benefit from your transformation’. But now I’ve seen it in my marriage, kids & even where I work! It has all shifted and all I do is smile now.” 2019 Alchemy Group Member
I love that although every group uses my Triple C Success System, each cohort is different in how they learn, process and transform. There were a few distinct learnings that made a difference for this group; I would love to share one of them with you. Inside the Clarity module we disrupt old paradigms that don’t serve us and step forward inside of new feminine ones. If you are like most powerhouse women, I think you could use this one:
The power of Good Enough – As women, we have been seduced into thinking the only way to be, is to be perfect. Whether it’s in school, parenting, creativity, simple tasks in the home or our careers. We’re bombarded with the false idea that in order for anyone to want us and recognize our true value – whether in the boardroom, bedroom or anywhere in between (yes I said it) – there is no other way to be… but perfect.
Are you ready for this?
Your “good enough” is exquisite! You know how you’ll write something and feel like it’s just not right? How you’ll plan a project, dinner or event and keep throwing stuff in to make it better? Ohhh, how about in the morning standing in front of the mirror feeling like absolutely nothing is working!?
What if? What if you surrendered right before your overwhelmed/frustrated/about to break point and just moved forward because it is good enough? Stopped planning, researching, editing, primping, sent the damn email, put on your shoes and left! I know what the outcome would be. An exhale and success.
Throughout the nine months of Alchemy, I encouraged these beautiful women to practice stopping at the point of good enough. Why? Because your ‘good enough’ is better than most people’s perfect! Tell me I’m wrong… When you overshoot, you put your mental health, relationships and physical body at risk.
The struggle towards perfect is a habit that inhibits you from moving forward when you finally take the leap into a better life. Kysha Mitchell

Is this helpful? Comment below and let me know when you need to let “good’ be enough. Also, If you’d like to get on the waiting list for information on this year’s Alchemy program starting in November, comment and I’ll be in touch.