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So I have to just be real…


I’ve wanted to post but kept procrastinating trying to think of clever things to write about.

The truth is, that while I’ve had an increase in clients (women I love and am so proud of), my kids have had a great summer, my husband and I are celebrating our 21st anniversary… I’VE BEEN ON AN EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER! There is a lot of transition happening in our lives; among other things, we’re both worried about our parents’ health and the violence happening in our city.

In a few of my coaching sessions, my clients have expressed the craziness of trying to keep it together when life is good yet there are also things (happening internally and externally) threatening to take you under!

I have a daily spiritual practice of prayer and gratitude and although it keeps me centered, lately I’ve needed more! I decided to keep it real in this email and share my 3 keys to “keeping it together” while in the midst:

  • I allow myself to be emotional & vulnerable. Whew, let me tell you this does not come easy for me (and most powerhouse women)! Society has poisoned the link between powerful – and – emotional. Supposedly, one cancels the other out. I have found exactly the opposite. There is sooo much power & courage in being able to access and FEEL instead of run from your emotions. Being vulnerable means letting your defenses down. This happens when you are strong enough to believe that leaving yourself open doesn’t mean defeat, it means opening to love, support and witnessing.
  • I go on a negativity diet. Basically, I restrict my intake of anything that will lower my mood, vibration or attitude. I consciously avoid the channels, platforms & people that carry sadness, gossip, drama, things that will anger me or just general downers. Now some things you can’t avoid, like people lol, random conversations, news headlines, etc. When I come across these things, I refuse to click into articles or read comments (a definite no-no), engage people down their rabbit-holes and overall try my best to be aware, send blessings AND slowly back away.
  • I go deep into my calling! Out of these 3, this lifts my spirit the most. My calling to guide and empower women through coaching and community experiences helps me remember the truth, beauty & purpose of my life. It challenges me out of my ego and into my heart, it brings me joy, keeps me grateful and lets me know that no matter what else is going on, I am making an impact! Whether your calling is writing, dancing, cooking, a business, art… make some time to immerse yourself in it, even for 30 minutes.

What can you go deep into that brings you joy amidst chaos and change?

I’ve been pouring myself into creating a life-changing experience this September 8th & 9th for my annual workshop-retreat Activate Your Calling.

This year’s 2 day event will be held right in the middle of the San Francisco Bay on Treasure Island! I picked this secluded, beautiful, century-old mansion with catered lunches so that you can truly use this weekend for claiming and creating the next chapter of your life. We will get you unstuck, re-inspired and motivated by integrating the 3 C’s into your reality.

Clarity. Courage. Confidence.

Registration is open and space is limited! For a limited time, this inner circle link will get you a free ticket ($75 commitment fee required). This is YOUR weekend, I would love to have you in the house♥

In Spirit,
