My Journey to NOW and an Invitation For You

Almost 5 years ago when I made the decision to combine my words, 12 years of study and my heart on a blog for public consumption, it felt bold, terrifying… and necessary.

Every time I turned around, there was something related to what I wanted to do in my face. I would happen to see a book or magazine article that related. People would mention that they needed exactly what I was thinking about doing. Resources and encouragers showed up. It felt like everything was lining up except for ME.

I would decide on a date and then put it off. Write something and then tell myself there was no way anyone would read it. I’d sabotage myself by doing things for EVERYONE else until I was too tired to do my stuff.

2015 Vlog!

While stepping into the courage to start a vlog (translation: a blog with videos of me after testing 10 places in my house trying to find good light and taking 2 hours to make one 15 minute video), I had no idea it would turn into a thriving business that would positively touch the lives of hundreds of women.

Before starting:

I was deep in self-pity for what I believed were my “failures”.

I was exhausted all the time because I was always BUSY taking care of everything but my desires.

I knew I was blessed and constantly felt guilty for wanting MORE.

I had tons of ideas and balls in the air but PROCRASTINATION & FEAR kept me always “about to do something”.

I’m rehashing all of this to say, I know exactly what it feels like. To know in your heart that there is more waiting for you but frustrated because you’re not moving at all or not fast enough.

I am a Passionate Advocate for NOW

Listen. Next year, some day, one day, after I finish ______ and eventually is too damn far away. Life is too short and too exquisite to put off living out loud any longer.

What piece of your vision can you engage today?

Do you long to be creative again? Doodle for 10 minutes, rearrange your living room, grab an adult coloring book.

Looking for a promotion or different position? Explore job listings. Ask a higher level question or reach out to one person that could help.

Have you been putting off a health journey? Park at the far end of the parking lot and walk. Put more veggies than meat on your plate tonight. Stretch before bed.

Is there a book or a business in you waiting to be birthed? Spend an hour in a bookstore. Write one sentence, yep just one. Look up a similar business and ask yourself what you would do differently. Imagine your product/book/service in someone’s hand.

I’d love to know what piece of your vision you can engage in, comment with an idea.

It would be total “fake news” to say I went from procrastination and feeling stuck to serving powerhouse women without support. I needed (and still get) encouragement, I received guidance and accountability, and I depended on my mentors and like-minded community.

I am inviting you to experience this and more inside of my 9 month Group Experience: Alchemy – The Feminine Formula for Authentic Success.

We begin in less than 2 weeks so doors will be closing soon.

Alchemy includes my signature system, action & support so you can:

  1. Clarify what you are meant to do and which path has the most grace & ease for your life.
  2. Shift your mindset into a feminine & personal idea of success that expands you but is achievable in the near future.
  3. Finally create a plan with well-thought out steps, accountability and guidance while you are taking action.

The invitation begins with a application process. If you feel a bit of excitement, a little scared and a lot of: This is what I need! Click here to fill out an application ❤

​In Spirit,

Get your plan on! Planners for 2017

Planners for 2017

Planning – Organization – Accountability – Written Intention

Hey lovelies, When it comes to tools for success, you can’t beat a planner. Yes, I still like to write with a pen & paper (dark ages right?) and I love pretty, well-made things. Every year I’m on the lookout for cool, functional, right-for-me planners. Now of course, you can get a regular notebook or calendar but if you want some extra motivation.. I’ve put together a list of the ones I like:


  • Law of Attraction Success Planner – This is my 2017 choice. It is planning through intention, has room for lots of list making, purpose building, goals & reflection. Plus it has all of the spiritual woo-woo stuff I love 😉 Oh, it lays flat and has ribbon place-markers (very important technical stuff for me). $20-40
    LOA Planner
  • Top·Down Planner – This was my choice last year. Absolutely loved it. 1-5 year goal section, mind maps, meeting notes, gratitude logs and it helps you plan your day according to your goals instead of what needs to be done. Some folks like larger planners, this one is thick but small enough to carry around. Woman-owned. It is pricey at $50
  • Proclaim, Prepare and Prosper Shades of Color – I was gifted this planner a few years ago by a good sistafriend and absolutely loved it because of the gorgeous art throughout. It is simple in terms of planning but inspires with lovely portraits of women, quotes, coloring pages, nutrition facts, etc. Black owned. $18 Shades of COlor Gbaby
  • Desire Map Planner – By Danielle LaPorte, whom I adore. This is super popular, a planner based on your desires and the way you want to FEEL. She sprinkles her “truthbombs” throughout to keep you motivated. I highly recommend looking to see if its your thing. It is a daily planner where the rest of these are mostly weekly. Woman-owned $44 
  • Passion Planner – Great planner for students & more. Room to write and create a roadmap to what you want. A young woman entrepreneur with a great story. For every one they sell, they give one away! $25-30
  • My Shining Year – A bestseller, thousands sold. Heart-centered creative, and very playful. Colorful and cartoon art. Not my style but many swear by it. It is not a daily calendar, meant to dream/vision for the year.Woman-owned $10(digital) -25 
  • Commit 30 – Really cool accountability planner. Simple and daily pages. Lots of room to write & gorgeous simple covers. $30 
  • Volt Planner – This one has space to draw and journal and is goal driven. Lays flat and has ribbon place-markers It isn’t pretty enough for me lol. Very sophisticated though. Also Woman-owned. $30-40 
  • Rituals For Living Dreambook + Planner – I almost got this one. Love the combination of rituals and planning. Dreaming, goals, reflection & weekly task-lists. It is also very stylized and crunchy granola 😉 Husband & wife team $44 

Have you tried any of these, have a favorite not mentioned? Let us know in the comments!

In Spirit,

My secret tool for staying focused during 2017 (Free!)

Create your own personalized theme to use as a compass! Let it point you toward your vision month after month.

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