There are usually 3 paths to finding ourselves at the edge of a cliff, this was mine.

Martha Beck explains it like this:

One is shock, which would be your car accident or losing your job or whatever it is. The next one is opportunity. Say, you fall in love and you get a chance to marry your soul mate, but it means changing everything. And the third is growth; you simply wake up one morning and what satisfied you yesterday is starting to feel empty.

Each of these paths toward a place where you must take a leap into the unknown, comes with its own story, healing & potential. Now let’s be real, there is always the option to slowly back away from the edge of the cliff, or just turn tail and run away! I think we’ve all experienced the avoidance that fear causes. AND we’ve also experienced the misery that stagnation (in the face of growth) can cause.

The cliff, as sweat-inducing and nerve-racking as it is, can be an opportunity to rewrite the next chapter of your life.

I feel like I’ve experienced each of the paths that Martha Beck describes. In my early twenties I was given the opportunity to choose love. Standing in the middle of the dance studio at my company rehearsal, sweaty and wondering why my boyfriend chose here to give me a birthday surprise, I stood in shock as he knelt with a ring box in his hand. The drums were playing, my director was beaming (unbeknownst to me, Eric had talked to him and my father already), members of the dance company were screaming, 6 of his best friends came into the room and for what seemed to be forever (to Eric especially lol), I didn’t hear any of it. I was slowly backing away from the edge of the cliff because:

  • I was 24
  • I was in school
  • I was a professional dancer
  • My parents were divorced
  • Most of my friends were raised by single moms
  • There was only 1 married couple in my neighborhood and they were NOT happy
  • Marriage didn’t work

One of the reasons I know my success system works is because I’ve been using pieces of it my entire life. Even though my mind was a frightened, confused mess, my heart was willing. The Divine in me was clear. When I looked at my life 5, 10 years down the road, HE WAS THERE.

I had a choice and I took a running jump; I chose love. We’re still together and happy by the way lol. 22 married, 26 together.

There is an energy in the world right now that seems to be taking an alarming number of people down these different paths. Many are on this precipice teetering toward what could be bliss and NO ONE should be doing it alone. I encourage you to step off the cliff in community. Choose a supportive circle that you are already in or find a new one. My private Facebook group is always an option.

Are you currently at the edge? Which path did you travel to get there? Comment and let me know.

Guest Speaker announcement!

I am honored and excited to announce: The phenomenal Reverend Andriette Earl will be our Activate Your Calling guest speaker. She is well known and loved for her intuitive ability to lovingly lead toward breakthrough and transformation. Do. Not. Miss. This.

Rev. Andriette is the loving and dynamic Spiritual Leader of Heart and Soul Center of Light. A spiritually committed teacher, facilitator and “freedom coach”, Rev. Andriette is an “edu-taining” and empowering teacher of the principles of Divine Love and Law. She is a national magazine columnist, author of Embracing Wholeness: Living in Spiritual Congruence, and creator of the transformative board game, “Speak Your Word: The Freedom Game”. She sees the best in us and inspires us to be much more than we ever thought we could be.

In Spirit,

Are you a Perfectionist? I’ve got something for that


I am celebrating the graduation of my fourth group coaching cohort, Alchemy!

These women have been stretching, trusting and transforming their lives with me for 9 months. They’ve had monumental shifts (in their inner & outer world) and achieved more than they set their intentions for.

“Last year I didn’t believe you when you said, ‘Everyone around you will benefit from your transformation’. But now I’ve seen it in my marriage, kids & even where I work! It has all shifted and all I do is smile now.” 2019 Alchemy Group Member

I love that although every group uses my Triple C Success System, each cohort is different in how they learn, process and transform. There were a few distinct learnings that made a difference for this group; I would love to share one of them with you. Inside the Clarity module we disrupt old paradigms that don’t serve us and step forward inside of new feminine ones. If you are like most powerhouse women, I think you could use this one:

The power of Good Enough – As women, we have been seduced into thinking the only way to be, is to be perfect. Whether it’s in school, parenting, creativity, simple tasks in the home or our careers. We’re bombarded with the false idea that in order for anyone to want us and recognize our true value – whether in the boardroom, bedroom or anywhere in between (yes I said it) – there is no other way to be… but perfect.

Are you ready for this?

Your “good enough” is exquisite! You know how you’ll write something and feel like it’s just not right? How you’ll plan a project, dinner or event and keep throwing stuff in to make it better? Ohhh, how about in the morning standing in front of the mirror feeling like absolutely nothing is working!?

What if? What if you surrendered right before your overwhelmed/frustrated/about to break point and just moved forward because it is good enough? Stopped planning, researching, editing, primping, sent the damn email, put on your shoes and left! I know what the outcome would be. An exhale and success.

Throughout the nine months of Alchemy, I encouraged these beautiful women to practice stopping at the point of good enough. Why? Because your ‘good enough’ is better than most people’s perfect! Tell me I’m wrong… When you overshoot, you put your mental health, relationships and physical body at risk.

The struggle towards perfect is a habit that inhibits you from moving forward when you finally take the leap into a better life. Kysha Mitchell

Activate your calling weekend experience
Join us!

Is this helpful? Comment below and let me know when you need to let “good’ be enough. Also, If you’d like to get on the waiting list for information on this year’s Alchemy program starting in November, comment and I’ll be in touch.

So I have to just be real…


I’ve wanted to post but kept procrastinating trying to think of clever things to write about.

The truth is, that while I’ve had an increase in clients (women I love and am so proud of), my kids have had a great summer, my husband and I are celebrating our 21st anniversary… I’VE BEEN ON AN EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER! There is a lot of transition happening in our lives; among other things, we’re both worried about our parents’ health and the violence happening in our city.

In a few of my coaching sessions, my clients have expressed the craziness of trying to keep it together when life is good yet there are also things (happening internally and externally) threatening to take you under!

I have a daily spiritual practice of prayer and gratitude and although it keeps me centered, lately I’ve needed more! I decided to keep it real in this email and share my 3 keys to “keeping it together” while in the midst:

  • I allow myself to be emotional & vulnerable. Whew, let me tell you this does not come easy for me (and most powerhouse women)! Society has poisoned the link between powerful – and – emotional. Supposedly, one cancels the other out. I have found exactly the opposite. There is sooo much power & courage in being able to access and FEEL instead of run from your emotions. Being vulnerable means letting your defenses down. This happens when you are strong enough to believe that leaving yourself open doesn’t mean defeat, it means opening to love, support and witnessing.
  • I go on a negativity diet. Basically, I restrict my intake of anything that will lower my mood, vibration or attitude. I consciously avoid the channels, platforms & people that carry sadness, gossip, drama, things that will anger me or just general downers. Now some things you can’t avoid, like people lol, random conversations, news headlines, etc. When I come across these things, I refuse to click into articles or read comments (a definite no-no), engage people down their rabbit-holes and overall try my best to be aware, send blessings AND slowly back away.
  • I go deep into my calling! Out of these 3, this lifts my spirit the most. My calling to guide and empower women through coaching and community experiences helps me remember the truth, beauty & purpose of my life. It challenges me out of my ego and into my heart, it brings me joy, keeps me grateful and lets me know that no matter what else is going on, I am making an impact! Whether your calling is writing, dancing, cooking, a business, art… make some time to immerse yourself in it, even for 30 minutes.

What can you go deep into that brings you joy amidst chaos and change?

I’ve been pouring myself into creating a life-changing experience this September 8th & 9th for my annual workshop-retreat Activate Your Calling.

This year’s 2 day event will be held right in the middle of the San Francisco Bay on Treasure Island! I picked this secluded, beautiful, century-old mansion with catered lunches so that you can truly use this weekend for claiming and creating the next chapter of your life. We will get you unstuck, re-inspired and motivated by integrating the 3 C’s into your reality.

Clarity. Courage. Confidence.

Registration is open and space is limited! For a limited time, this inner circle link will get you a free ticket ($75 commitment fee required). This is YOUR weekend, I would love to have you in the house♥

In Spirit,

Courage, The Wiz & Supersuits

I know. Usually the photos at the top of my post make sense. Yeah, this is weird. Don’t worry, I’ll explain.

Forgot to get your free ticket to Activate Your Calling before they’re all gone? I got you. Click here

When I’m in conversation with people about the specific magazine cutout on their vision board that keeps calling to them, I can count on one consistency: Fear and what it takes to push through it. The truth is, there are many tools and strategies but you’ll need courage to utilize any of them.

I’m super visual, so when I hear Courage, I instantly see a superhero. Some muscular savior that has the courage to stop a thundering train or confront a huge monster in order to save someone. This my friends, is how we procrastinate and sabotage ourselves. By picturing (or thinking about) the very thing we need as unachievable! If courage is something only superheros have, how can little ole me hope to amass any for my dream?

Another strong visual for the word courage is the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz or if you’re like me, the curly-haired, Mean-Ole-Lion from The Wiz. Does this image feel more in line with reality? You’re a powerhouse, of course you have courage! But behind the bravado, there are certain things (like expanding into a new more authentic you) that have you clutching your tail and hiding behind friends.

The origin of the word courage comes from the French word ‘corage’ – which means innermost feelings.
This was derived from the Latin word ‘cor’ which literally means heart.

OH LAWD YES! Lol. Just the simple etymology of a word can give you hope! To think, this huge trait that we need for doing the scary things in life (like bringing our big dreams into reality) doesn’t require money, muscles or a supersuit! It already lives in the innermost part of ourselves, our heart. Let’s give a loud thanks and start excavating ☺

“You develop courage by doing courageous things, small things, but things that cost you some exertion
– mental and, I suppose, spiritual exertion.” Maya Angelou

I listen to my mentor Dr. Maya and I think the Mean-ole-Lion did too. At the end of movie, The Wiz, we learned that the lion had what he sought all along. He found courage when he needed it and cultivated it throughout the journey. Now that’s cool and all but I don’t want this to come as a shock to you. Be proactive about developing the courage you need for your life purpose. What small courageous things can you build upon on a daily or weekly basis?

This is something I’ve done in my life for a long time without giving a name to it. Now I call them Elevation Practices. During day 2 of Activate Your Calling, you’re going to create individual Elevation Practices and dig into how these help keep you on your path. Whew so good, it’s going to be sooo good y’all! Pull up the courage required and grab your ticket here:

And because I love Halloween and really any excuse to dress up and teach at the same time, This Sunday evening we are going to Unleash Our Inner Superhero! Success tools for using your superpowers, wine, snacks and awesome women together at a beautiful Bay Area spa. Join us ♥

In Spirit,

Life transitions – Find bliss in community

Step off

There are usually 3 ways we find ourselves at the edge of a cliff.


Martha Beck explains it like this:

One is shock, which would be your car accident or losing your job or whatever it is. The next one is opportunity. Say, you fall in love and you get a chance to marry your soul mate, but it means changing everything. And the third is growth; you simply wake up one morning and what satisfied you yesterday is starting to feel empty.

Each of these sparks for rewriting the next chapter of your life, comes with its own story, healing & potential. But like many things that appear as if they are custom-made for your own crazy-beautiful life, the process is the same.

There is an energy flow right now that seems to be throwing off sparks everywhere! Many are on this precipice teetering toward what could be bliss and NO ONE should be doing it alone. Step off in community.

I miss seeing my folks live and would like to try something new. If you are interested in Free monthly Meetups (in the Bay Area or online) with Elevate your NOW, click here to let me know!

Remember #youthrivewethrive
In Spirit,

It is time for you to shine #POTUSdenial or not

Womens march

My daughter & I at the Oakland Women’s March on Jan 21st

Well, here we are. Fully into 2017 with a new president (you can’t make me say his name),

a country of disparate interests, the decision of millions of women to step up & speak out and of course… LIFE. Because in between the news reports, marching and pissed off Facebook posts, you still have dinner to make, people to love and Hidden Figures to go see.

So where do your goals fit in and around all this LIFE that we find ourselves in?  Losing 10 pounds, going back to school or saving money may seem insignificant in the face of executive orders slamming down like anvils. But now more than ever, is the world in need of powerful women (& men) doing what it takes to shine bright. Hear me now…

Having a bright light doesn’t mean shouting from the rooftops, it means

  • loving yourself enough to commit to you
  • being honest about wanting more & knowing you deserve it
  • allowing love to pour into the empty spaces
  • grieving loss, wrongdoing & pain and being grateful that you can FEEL
  • not just reading about & praising but DOing God.. as a verb

I am writing because I feel the overwhelm and I-just-cant-even energy weighing us down like wool blankets. I’m all for being comfy but look, nothing is changing under all those covers! We have to throw the covers to the side, get up and brave the cold. It’s time to create the energy we need to thrive.

And it’s time to do it the right way.

Step #1 to BE instead of become your best self: Take some time to think about how you’ve grown over the past year. Acknowledge the aspects of your life that have changed for the better and write them down.

Please share your thoughts below. I’ll be in my community and email inboxes frequently this month with more steps.  I AM MY RESOLUTION! is my mantra, I hope it will soon echo in your mind as well ♡

In Spirit,

Get your plan on! Planners for 2017

Planners for 2017

Planning – Organization – Accountability – Written Intention

Hey lovelies, When it comes to tools for success, you can’t beat a planner. Yes, I still like to write with a pen & paper (dark ages right?) and I love pretty, well-made things. Every year I’m on the lookout for cool, functional, right-for-me planners. Now of course, you can get a regular notebook or calendar but if you want some extra motivation.. I’ve put together a list of the ones I like:


  • Law of Attraction Success Planner – This is my 2017 choice. It is planning through intention, has room for lots of list making, purpose building, goals & reflection. Plus it has all of the spiritual woo-woo stuff I love 😉 Oh, it lays flat and has ribbon place-markers (very important technical stuff for me). $20-40
    LOA Planner
  • Top·Down Planner – This was my choice last year. Absolutely loved it. 1-5 year goal section, mind maps, meeting notes, gratitude logs and it helps you plan your day according to your goals instead of what needs to be done. Some folks like larger planners, this one is thick but small enough to carry around. Woman-owned. It is pricey at $50
  • Proclaim, Prepare and Prosper Shades of Color – I was gifted this planner a few years ago by a good sistafriend and absolutely loved it because of the gorgeous art throughout. It is simple in terms of planning but inspires with lovely portraits of women, quotes, coloring pages, nutrition facts, etc. Black owned. $18 Shades of COlor Gbaby
  • Desire Map Planner – By Danielle LaPorte, whom I adore. This is super popular, a planner based on your desires and the way you want to FEEL. She sprinkles her “truthbombs” throughout to keep you motivated. I highly recommend looking to see if its your thing. It is a daily planner where the rest of these are mostly weekly. Woman-owned $44 
  • Passion Planner – Great planner for students & more. Room to write and create a roadmap to what you want. A young woman entrepreneur with a great story. For every one they sell, they give one away! $25-30
  • My Shining Year – A bestseller, thousands sold. Heart-centered creative, and very playful. Colorful and cartoon art. Not my style but many swear by it. It is not a daily calendar, meant to dream/vision for the year.Woman-owned $10(digital) -25 
  • Commit 30 – Really cool accountability planner. Simple and daily pages. Lots of room to write & gorgeous simple covers. $30 
  • Volt Planner – This one has space to draw and journal and is goal driven. Lays flat and has ribbon place-markers It isn’t pretty enough for me lol. Very sophisticated though. Also Woman-owned. $30-40 
  • Rituals For Living Dreambook + Planner – I almost got this one. Love the combination of rituals and planning. Dreaming, goals, reflection & weekly task-lists. It is also very stylized and crunchy granola 😉 Husband & wife team $44 

Have you tried any of these, have a favorite not mentioned? Let us know in the comments!

In Spirit,

My secret tool for staying focused during 2017 (Free!)

Create your own personalized theme to use as a compass! Let it point you toward your vision month after month.

Powered by Kit

Who’s on TV? I’ll give you 1 guess..

TV show Black Renaissance

I am bursting at the seams with some good news!

Last week, I was blessed with my first on-air television interview about Elevate your NOW. #stillcheesing

The show, Black Renaissance, features current issues and a healthy balance to media negativity by profiling folks doing great things in the world.

Yes, I was nervous but my biggest quandary? This sentence: You can wear anything you want except for prints, stripes, dots, black or white. WHAT? Queue closet explosion and my husband going to hide lol.

Check out my livestream video as I’m walking to the studio

The Producer & Director of Communications and Public Affairs at CBS Local Media, Akilah Bolden, ushered us straight into the studio as they were taping the preview for the 11 o’clock news. How cool is that? It was great until she whispered, “Kysha, you’re up first” and pointed me toward a desk 5 feet away from the news anchors 😮  Queue trusty deodorant lol.  It turns out I had no need for nerves. Christin Ayers, the host, was personable and easygoing and I bonded quickly with the other guests on the show. It was over in a flash and so much fun.

The producer and I!
14492444_10153811722296109_2015046976103986266_nKPIX 5

The show airs this Sunday the 16th, at 11am PST (Channel 44/Cable 12). I’d love for you to catch it and leave a comment letting me know what you thought of the interview!

Remember #youthrivewethrive

In Spirit,
