Inner fireworks & a free gift! 3,2,1…

BOOM! pppop pop pop pop pppop POP! Sigh.

In my wonderful city the fireworks begin weeks before Independence Day. Call it a heightened sense of patriotism, fascination with explosions or a love of pretty lights… all I know is at random times of the day or night, it’s irritating. Now I love fireworks. But what I’ve come to realize is the Forth of July marks the second half of the year and I am often “snap, crackle, popped” out.

In these last 6 months I’ve courageously stepped into a few resolutions and had a couple step on me – ouch. I’ve manifested a dream and watched another get fuzzy. The beginning of summer finds me at a place where I’m running on automatic and in danger of backsliding into old habits instead of being fueled by my usual passion and purpose.

Soooo, BOOM, POP! I’m using America’s 240th Fourth of July to strike a match and light some INNER fireworks for myself and YOU! My theme for July is “Success without Stopping” and I’ve created an awesome gift for you!

Fill in the blanks of this new lease on 2016 and post in the comments! I’d love to read it. I’d love it even more if you’d share your Inner Declaration of Independence with the rest of the Elevate your NOW tribe so we can be inspired and hold space for all that you declare. Want something EVEN better? Click here and you’ll receive a lovely PDF that you can print out and hang..  yeah, it’s cuz I love you ?

Inner DoI crop


I hold these truths to be self-evident. I am created whole, perfect and complete. I am endowed by my _______________ (creator, universe, god) with the inalienable right to a __________, __________ & __________ (joyful, abundant, love-filled, purpose-full) life.
Today, in my ____ year of life, I acknowledge that I’ve instilled beliefs, created rules, and made numerous life-choices. To the extent that these become destructive and/or no longer serve my journey to the aforementioned life, I have the right & power to alter and abolish them, therefore instituting a NEW journey toward my best life. Laying its foundation on such principles & values as __________, __________, __________ (truth, freedom, love, abundance, family) – which allow me to claim and make space for my divine endowment. I do not make such changes lightly, as I am indeed grateful for ____________________ (my past, circumstances, mistakes) and all the _______________(lessons, good, memories) that came as consequence.
As I understand the hills & valleys one must traverse in the trek of life, I understand too, that once made aware of a faulty path, an impenetrable forest or a deep ditch, one is obligated to consult her/his map and right the path toward liberty. It is my intention to be __________ (free, whole).
I therefore, representing and claiming power over my own life, declare that I am absolved from all allegiance to _______________ (wrong thinking, abuse, bad habits) and set my elevation towards ____________________ (wellness, prosperity, business, healing) . This declaration is made with a firm reliance on __________ (faith, truth, god, family, community) .
And so it is.
_________________________ (your name)

I’d love to hear your thoughts, I always reply to emails and I check the group daily. xoxo

Remember #youthrivewethrive

In Spirit,

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